Writer Wednesday – Meet Nikki Prince and Swagger

Writer Wednesday – Meet Nikki Prince and Swagger

Today I have the FABULOUS Nikki Prince on my blog. She and I became Facebook friends, then met at the Orange County Chapter of Romance Writers of America – and it’s been a love-fest ever since. Sit back, and get to know the woman behind the books.

The Interview

CA: What made you decide to write a novel?

NP: Sheer craziness in wanting to finish NaNoWriMo. It was a challenge to myself.  Swagger came about as a challenge to me to see if I could write a New Adult novel in first person.

CA: OMG I totally know what you mean. Wow! To have that as your first push – good for you! So what genre do you write in, and why?

NP: I write interracial erotic romances in contemporary and paranormal currently, and plan to expand into other genres.  Why?  I love the heroine to look like me and to be in a relationship that represents my relationships.  I’m a black woman married to a white man and I love to see different cultures together. Beyond that I like to see the world as not just skin tones.  That everyone has something in common.

CA: I SO agree! I love the mixture of skin tones, especially in love scenes. So tell me, is your latest book part of a series or standalone book? If a series, what is the name of this series, and how many books/short stories do you have planned?

NP: This at the moment is just a standalone, although a thought of another book has been in the back of my mind.

CA: Keep thinking, girl! So, if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

NP: Wow, that’s hard to answer.  I love to travel. Anywhere I lay my head could be home honestly.  I miss traveling.  Maybe one day soon.

CA: I’m SO with you. Love traveling, especially with my hubby. Okay, name me 3 simple joys in your life. (Though I think I’ve got this one pegged!)

NP: My kids, writing and reading.

CA: Yep! Knew it! That’s mainly what you put on your FB feed, lol.  Okay, next question. If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead or fictional, who would it be and where would you go to eat?

NP: I would love to have dinner with Edgar Allan Poe and Martin Luther King…wherever greatness like that would want to eat, that’s where we would go.

CA: Wow! Great answers. I wonder where they’d like to eat in today’s world, lol?! So,if you could give just one piece of advice to a writer starting out, what would it be?

NP: To keep trying and don’t listen to negative talk. Follow your dreams, this is your life, this is your book…dream it and write it.

CA: What do you do when you’re not writing? Do you have a Day Job?

NP: I work in a police station on a Community College in Parking Services.

CA: Really? Do you ever put stuff you learn from work into your books? Never mind, we’ll talk later, lol! Name one thing your fans would be surprised to learn about you.

NP: I am really, really shy until I get to know you.

CA: Seriously? OKay, maybe that first time you were a bit hesitant to hug me when I came running up to you…Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?

NP: I’d like to say thank you so much for having me here Christine. It’s an honor and a pleasure.

CA: Oh Nikki, it’s entirely my pleasure!

The Book

Swagger, by Nikki Prince

Swagger, by Nikki PrinceS

 The Blurb

Nine years, two lives, one love.

We all have dreams. Mine were filled with college and the boy I loved, Cruz Montoya. But all that went up with smoke when he got sent to Juvenile Hall, my sister killed herself, and Dad up and left. My mother, and I use that terminology loosely, became a monster transferring her pains and disappointment, and I became trapped.

Honorably discharged, I’m back in Arlington Heights, the small town that only remembers the black sheep persona of my youth. I could list a dozen reasons for my return, but the only one that matters is Roxanne Waters. I should probably leave her be. I’m not much of a catch, with PTSD and the childhood memories rattling around in my brain. Yet, I can’t walk away. There’s a darkness that surrounds the death of her sister, a secret that’s slowly killing her. I’m going to find out everything. This is the moment of truth: to see if we can make it, or if I’m nine years too late.



Email: NikkiPrince@writeme.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NikkiPrinceAuthor

Amazon.com:  http://www.amazon.com/Nikki-Prince/e/B008LQPIP2/

Twitter: @AuthorNprince

Goodreads.com: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6433724.Nikki_Prince

 The Bio

Nikki Prince is a mother of two, who’s always had a dream to be a published author in the romance genre. Her passion lies in raising her children as readers, gaming, cooking, reading and her writing. Her mother can now breathe easy about the child who used to get in trouble because she was hiding books everywhere and reading when it wasn’t appropriate.

Nikki’s a multi-published author with several epublishing houses. She loves to write Interracial romances in all genres, but wants to let everyone know to not box her in, because there is always room for growth.

Nikki’s also a member of Romance Writers of America National chapter (http://www.rwa.org) and OCC/RWA local chapter (http://www.occrwa.org) and is a member of the board as Co-Programs Director.  She is also a member of the online chapter Passionate Ink RWA, The Beaumonde RWA, and the Rainbow Romance Writers (RRW).

Questions for Nikki? Leave them below!


Seen About Town – Friends, Ice, and Trees

Seen About Town – Friends, Ice, and Trees

I’m so thrilled that I’m carrying a camera with me everywhere. I had the great good fortune to speak at the monthly Orange County Chapter of RWA last week. Here’s me with the WANA folks that came. I was so happy to see them! From left to right – Jenny Hansen, me, Tameri Etherton, Kate Wood, Bethany Lopez, and Debra Kristi, all of whom are kick-ass writers and bloggers, so please go check them out. We have Kristen Lamb and the We Are Not Alone group in common, so it was doubly nice to see them in person.

The WANA gang at OCC RWA 1-12-13.

As you may know, we here in So Cal have been bitching whining upset about the cold temps we’ve been going through. A couple of weeks ago there was ice – not only all over my poor basil, killing it dead, but even in the streets. Here’s a photo of the partially-frozen gutter water. Hey, to a San Diegan, this is way cool stuff.

Ice in the gutter outside my office, about 9am.

The other day I tried to explain to someone my unreasoning hatred of palm trees. I couldn’t convince this guy from Ohio that palm trees are pretty dang useless. I mean, they don’t provide lots of shade from the sun, and they don’t give us anything to eat. And when they’re planted with a pine tree of some sort between, it causes a synapse interrupt for me. As in, these trees do not compute. (Don’t talk to me about date palms. Would you eat dates from a palm tree grown in Los Angeles? Yeah. Didn’t think so.)

Do the palm trees look out of place, or is it just me?

I guess there’s no changing the whole palm-tree thing now. I’m just a few decades too late. Are there trees planted in your neighborhood that just don’t go together? I’d love to know!

That’s it for today. Thanks for stopping by! On Writer Wednesday, Marian Lanouette will be here with her latest release, so we hope to see you then.

~ Until the next time, cheers – and remember to drink responsibly! ~

Demon Soul, Blood Dreams and Demon Hunt are all available for the Kindle! Have you fallen into the Caine Brothers’ world yet?