Moving Forward

Moving Forward

Growing pains. I haz them. In the past three weeks, I've finished the back matter on the three Caine novels; I've set up my Reader's Group on Facebook, with some (a LOT) of help from Alexis M. Roark; I've rebooted my newsletter and gotten it sent out (again, with a...

A rough few months

A rough few months

It's been rough, since my Daddy died on March 14, 2017. Not quite four months have passed, but my brother and I have done what we were charged to do, as Co-Trustees of his estate. Soon it will all wrap up. There are a lot of good things happening in my life, and I...

May Book Fair!

May Book Fair!

So, there's this book fair - lots of books, most of which are .99 to $2.99. Check it out! And if you haven't grabbed Guarded Star yet, it goes back up to full price on June 1st - so get it while you can! More later, lovelies - I'm in the middle of a deadline....