Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

It's happened again, that arbitrary day we call "January 1" of whatever year.  I have begun the great cleaning out of my office, as well as my closets and dressers and kitchen cupboards. Found my raspberry beret, which had gone missing, as well as some colored...



Book 4 in the StarTide Series is ready for your happy consumption! Loud and earthy, comedienne Mia Martinez-Coleman never met a curse word she didn't like, but smooth operator Randall Blue--nightclub owner and so much more--is about to prove that things can get...

Cooking Life
Candy Cane Popcorn

Candy Cane Popcorn

Sweet Holiday Treats This time of year, I love making Candy Cane Popcorn. I found this recipe a couple of years ago and I could have sworn I put something up here about it, but I haven't been able to find it, so... If you google it, you'll find a ton of recipes....

Six Years Ago Today

Six Years Ago Today

When I realized what day it was, everything in me kind of jerked to a stop. Six years ago, I had surgery for an Acoustic Neuroma. 11 hours under anesthesia. You can read more about it in this post here. That's the one year anniversary post. Here's the 3 Year...