The Wonderful World of Rebecca Zanetti
I found Fated, Rebecca Zanetti’s debut book in her Dark Protectors series last year while looking at other paranormal novels that had come out. I read it, loved it, left an Amazon review (which I can’t find now, because there are so many – GO, REBECCA!). So it surprised me when I found Rebecca at RWA National Conference in Anaheim this year, signing Claimed – I didn’t realize it had come out last year, too.
So I bought it, she signed it (how lucky am I?), and I spent yesterday at the beach devouring every word. To the point where it pissed off the hubster. (Sorry, honey!) Her Realm is real, dark, and deadly – and Claimed is the King of the Realm’s story, Dage Kayrs.
In this one novel, Rebecca is lining up the possibility of novels stretching into the future in this world (with the help of Janie Belle, a 4 year old who knows things). Her adding pressure to the Kayrs Royal Family is astounding, and you know, with dead certainty, that when Dage says (something terrible) would never happen, that Zanetti will make damned sure it DOES happen. You just won’t know when. But the seeds are planted…at least, in my twisted little mind they are.
Her storytelling is impeccable. Her characters intriguing and likable. The sex is hot, the deviousness is hotter, and I just realized that Hunted came out, and Tempted, and so has Consumed. Provoked comes out November 1st, 2012. OMG, so much goodness to read!
So, if you’re looking for a hot Paranormal romance that’s written with intelligence and wiles, you want to pick up this series by Rebecca Zanetti. Excuse me while I go download her books…
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Demon Soul, Blood Dreams and Demon Hunt are all available for the Kindle! Have you fallen into the Caine Brothers’ world yet?