Wallowing in Books
The last couple of weeks I’ve been reading like it’s going out of style. My taste is diverse, as you’ll see from this list! I highly recommend ALL of these books. If you click on the link on the title, it’ll take you to the Amazon page for that book. If the author is highlighted, click there and it will take you to their website.
First up – Darynda Jones’ new series starts with Death and the Girl Next Door. A Paranormal YA novel, this book totally kicks ass and takes names. I am a HUGE Darynda fan and was thrilled to have met her in person when she came to speak to the Orange County Chapter of RWA in November.
The book is fun, snarky, gets dark, and has some wonderful twists to it. The 3 best friends, sophmores, skip school a lot, but unless your teen is hyper susceptible to suggestion this shouldn’t be a deterrent. This is exactly the type of book I wished had been in style when I was a teenager.
Next is Teresa Hill’s Twelve Days of Christmas
This is a wonderful novel. QUITE the tear-jerker, and the one that comes after this one, Emma’s story, looks to be just as much a tear-jerker. Teresa has written for Harlequin for many years and has a lot of stories out there, but I’d never read her before this book. It was on my Kindle, had a Christmas title, so I read it – devoured it – in one 3 hour stretch of time over the weekend. Lovely, really very lovely.
To stick with the Christmas theme, I need to put in a book that I JUST finished yesterday by Regan Walker called The Holly and the Thistle, a short historical romance set in London at Christmas time. It was a lovely story about a widow, a Scotsman, and Christmas traditions, and I HIGHLY recommend it. She also has a full-length historical out that I haven’t read yet, but it looks fantastic. It’s called Racing With The Wind and is the beginning of her Agents of the Crown series.
And last but not least, Tara Lain’s Beautiful Boys of Romance! Volley Balls, Fire Balls and Beach Balls all in one volume called Balls to the Wall. LOVED these stories set in one of my favorite places, Laguna Beach. LOVE the men, the way they fall in love, their insecurities and their macho attitude and how their hearts are speared by love, but my favorite of the three is Beach Balls. What a lovely story! I’m a new reader of Tara’s – these are the first books of hers I’ve read – and got to meet her at OCC’s chapter meeting in November. I can tell you, I’ll definitely be picking up more of her books!
That’s all I have for right now – thanks for stopping by. Tell me, what have YOU read lately that you think I’ll love?
~ Until the next time, cheers – and remember to drink responsibly! ~
Demon Soul, Blood Dreams and Demon Hunt are all available for the Kindle! Have you fallen into the Caine Brothers’ world yet?