Hey everyone! Black Friday should be about more than just spending money so retailers end the year “in the black”.  Let’s call it “Support Your Local Author” day! (“Local” being nebulous on the interwebs.) Or even, “Read A Book, Love An Author” day!

I’m participating in a Black Friday Blog Hop with nine other fantastic authors. All of us are giving goodies away, and in many cases those goodies include copies of our books. All you have to do is comment, and you’ll be included to win! I’m giving away a $15 Amazon gift card and an e-copy of DEMON SOUL to one lucky winner! (Click on the link, which will take you to reviews.) And hopefully, if you don’t win, you’ll be intrigued enough to buy a copy of our books anyway!)

Black Friday. All my hubby wants this year is a new refrigerator. Not that ours is old; but it’s a side-by-side, with water and ice dispenser. Nifty and all and what all the cool kids wanted (about 10 years ago), but for our family it just doesn’t work. You can’t, for instance, put a regular sized frozen pizza in either the refrigerator OR the freezer.

He’s been wailing and gnashing his teeth for months now. He picked the fridge; he’s allowed to hate it. But this year he really wanted to pitch it. In the spirit of the upcoming fridge-centric holidays, and peace of mind, he even went online to look for Black Friday deals on refrigerators.

No go. So our refrigerator continues to run…and if it really did pick up legs and bolt, we’d not only wave as it ran down the street, but we’d lock the front door and not allow it back in.

BLOG HOP DETAILS: Simple, really. Not many rules. Just click on each blog address below, leave a comment, and hopefully win prizes! Here’s hoping your Black Weekend is a bright, happy and uneventful one.

Stop One: Chris Redding  Chris is giving away – OMG – an iPOD!!!

Stop Two: W. Lynn Chantale  This lovely author is giving away a $15 gift card and a mug full of goodies!

Stop Three: ME! And you’re here, so just relax and look around, lol!

Stop Four: Chelle Cordero  Chelle is giving away a book and a tee shirt – go check it out!

Stop Five: Tammy Dennings Maggy Tammy is giving away some beautiful framed poetry.

Stop Six: Shelley Munro Shelley is giving away an ebook download of your choice from her backlist!

Stop Seven: Jane Wakely Jane is giving away a journal, a pen, and a bookmark – all terrific start-the-New-Year items!

Stop Eight: Debra Holland Debra’s giving away a copy of her fantasy romance, Sower of Dreams!

Stop Nine: Smoky Zeidel Smoky is giving away a pdf copy of the second edition of The Cabin!

Stop Ten: R. Ann Siracusa  Ann is giving away a copy of her ebook, All For A Dead Man’s Leg!

So hop on over to the others and comment – and remember to always SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORS!!!

Cheers – and remember to Shop Responsibly!