Big Beauty in Small Flowers

Big Beauty in Small Flowers

When I need my mind refreshed before diving back into working on a novel, I like to “see” through a camera lens. Somehow, it changes my internal focus.

Tapo Canyon hike

On Saturday, Tom and I went on a hike. It was a beautiful, cool morning, and not many people were on the trail. I had my camera with me, because I find I hike better when my mind is distracted.

 winding path two

Isn’t this a lovely path? Not too steep, not too straight, lovely curves with oak trees guarding it. I like to think even hobbits would be tempted to walk on this path.

But what I found my eye drawn to were the smallest of flowers, no bigger than my pinkie fingernail.

cluster purple flowers

Another dainty flower…

small white flower

And yet two more – while I was focusing on the yellow, take a look at the pink one in the background.

small yellow flower

But what took my breath away was this beautiful guy. The biggest Coyote I can remember seeing, he owned the landscape. I was lucky to capture his photo – he obligingly posed a couple of times, staring at us across a huge meadow before running along. This is an extreme closeup, plus I cropped the photo even closer.


Isn’t he gorgeous? The best part about this hike is it’s not difficult to get to, at all. Give me a hat, sunscreen, some water and my camera, and I’m ready to go. It was a lovely, refreshing time that helped clear the cobwebs and steady my brain for the creative work to come.


How do you clear your mind for a creative challenge? I’d love to know!