Last weekend it rained in So Cal. Mind you, it hasn’t rained here – like that – in months upon months of months. A long time.

During a break in the rain, I took a walk with my camera and caught some lovely photos.  Enjoy…

The sky, with a bit more rain in the clouds.

The sky, with a bit more rain in the clouds.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the sky with rain-fattened clouds.

Cactus do some amazing things right after a rain.

Cactus do some amazing things right after a rain.

Just when you think this cactus, above, is totally dead, it comes back to vivid life.

Another pretty cactus in bloom. Same neighbor's yard.

Another pretty cactus in bloom. Same neighbor’s yard.

Aren’t the yellow flowers beautiful?

This arroyo is dry 95% of the time.

This arroyo is dry 95% of the time.

This arroyo runs through the local golf course near my house. This is the first time I’ve seen so much water in it since the late 1990’s.

Another shot of the sky.

Another shot of the sky.

This shot, above, had the ubiquitous So Cal palm tree, so I had to take it.

Buckets of Water

Buckets of Water

So, yeah. Like many So Cal homes, ours doesn’t have gutters. Someday we’ll get there – but for now, we collect water in used laundry detergent buckets. Both in the front and the back yards. It’s one way to keep the yards from flooding…

Many of my other photos are on my laptop, which is busy being backed up by Carbonite and, so, extremely slow when it comes to photos. I hope you enjoy!

I’m working on bringing Wine Fridays back, so stay tuned. Here’s hoping you have a happy weekend!
