The amount I don’t know about being published is astonishing. Getting a book pre-reviewed is the way to go, especially with a smaller publishing house. A good way to build up word of mouth. It makes sense, but how…?
Luckily, I work with an incredible group of supportive writers at Crescent Moon Press, as well as the editors and marketing geniuses. They are guiding me (and all the other new authors in their house) as to how to actually get the word out.
Soon I hope to have some of these writers guest blog here, and talk about their new books. In the meantime, I’m soaking up everything like a sponge and flying through edits. I’m halfway through the book; just another 120 pages to go and then of course a second pass. But I’m pretty sure I’ll be done by the weekend, yay!
Reviews are so nerve wracking. Because you have to wait and wait and wait…then wait some more.
I’ll bet. I come from a theatre background, so it’s sort of the same there, too. I’ll tell you, I’m not looking forward to my first review!