With all the fabulous vegetables ripening in the garden and the variety now available in the Farmers Markets across town, I’ll continue with a couple more Chardonnays today, especially since I’m celebrating the high school graduation of my youngest son, Timothy! (We thought the day would NEVER arrive, lol!)
First up is a Festival ’34 Collection, Vintage 2009 Chardonnay. Produced by Wine World Estates, Napa, California. The cost was under $10 on sale at BevMo! – I lost the receipt for this one, sorry!
On The Label: It was very uninformative, had nothing about the winery or the wine. I actually don’t mind a label that doesn’t tell me what the wine is supposed to taste like, allowing me to make up my own mind and not be intimidated by the expert.
My take: A hint of oak makes this Chardonnay for me. It’s *not* big and buttery and in your face; those of you who like more “naked” Chardonnays will like this one I think. It has a nice, fresh first taste with the hint of oak hitting mid-taste.
The scent is of peach and vanilla, light and crisp. It would go well with any hot-weather meal based around vegetables, or with brunch with a seafood quiche as the star. Also a great sipping wine as you read pool-side this summer. It’s an unpretentious, very drinkable wine and good to share.
I rate this wine ~Very Drinkable~ .
Next we’ve got Toasted Head Barrel-aged Chardonnay 2009 Regular price, $16.99; on sale for $9.99 at Vons.
On The Label: “Toasted Head is named for the age-old practice of toasting barrel heads with fire, which is what helps to create the distinct, toasty flavor in all our wines.
Our Chardonnay is 100% barrel fermented and aged for eight months, imparting a unique richness and complexity to the wine, complemented by tropical fruits, peaches, and pineapple on the palate. The finish is well-rounded with toasty coconut and butterscotch notes.”
Well. Talk about a label shoving the wine down your throat. I am learning to be suspicious of labels that go into such detail about how the wine tastes and smells, as if needing to explain the wine or else it would maybe not taste good? I don’t know.
Anyway – it was a good wine. Not, in my opinion, worth $17; but not bad for under $10. I can smell the pineapple, when I concentrate very hard; but a wine shouldn’t take that much concentration to enjoy. I wonder if perhaps my sniffer isn’t up to par? A complex wine can be a joy; this wine, while perfect for summer, made me work too hard. Again, it’s light and non-oaky – those of you who like your nakeds will enjoy this one, too.
My rating: At $17 a bottle, ~Drinkable~ . At $10 a bottle, ~Very Drinkable~ . But don’t take my word for it – taste for yourself (hopefully at the cheaper price) and let me know what you think.
I’m curious – do you like a chatty label that goes on and on about the wine? Do you prefer a label that sticks to the facts? Or do you like something in between – informative, but not in your face?
And now in most of the country, school is out and summer is upon us. Next week I’ll be hitting up Merlots. Forget what the movie Sideways taught – there are good Merlot wines out there, and I’ll be bringing them to you. For under $10 a bottle.
Happy sipping, and remember – your taste buds may vary!
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Have you read DEMON SOUL yet? You can find it at Crescent Moon Press or Amazon.com. Happy Reading!
Hey, thanks for the tip. I’m going to try the Vintage 34 wine. Sounds like my kind of wine.
I react to overlywritten labels the same way I react to overly written books – not good. The second label reminded me of the preview I saw for the latest Woody Allen movie where one guy goes on and on about the wine he’s just tasted. One word: pretentious. I can’t wait to see it!
And speaking of Chardonnay – did you ever see Bottleshock? Wonderful movie. How about an occasional review of a movie about wine/winemaking along with these lovely blogs?
And speaking of summer being here, is sauvignon blanc on line for some tips?
Most importantly – CONGRATLUATIONS on Tim graduating. The world is his oyster, as they say – that is if he likes oysters.
Very best wishes,
Lynne, I have not seen Bottleshock – it’s not available yet on Netflix. Or at least it wasn’t when I looked – a year ago, lol!
Yes, Sauvignon Blanc is definitely on the list, as is Chenin Blanc. My hubby is happy because we’re drinking more white wines!
And thanks for the congrats…now to just find him a job.
Congrats to your son, Christine, and to mom too! I think I’ll also try the Festival ’34 Vintage. I tried the Smoking Loon pinot last week and really enjoyed it. Found it in NJ at Bottle King for under $10 while visiting for a wedding. Thanks for sharing!
Dawn, how cool is that? Glad you enjoyed the Smoking Loon! I live to share wine, lol…
Haven’t tried any of these yet and mostly because I don’t like drinking alone. Should I ever get to socialize again then some of these are going to hit the list of “what I’ll bring to the party.” Oh, the labels question. Hmm, I want something but not everything. Don’t give me the ending in the book blurb, ya’ know?
Wow. You’ve made me want to go out and buy a bottle of Festival ’34 Collection, Vintage 2009 Chardonnay for Hubby’s birthday. It sounds just like something he – and I (as someone who doesn’t drink much wine) will definitely enjoy.
I’d say I like less information on the label. I don’t like being told precisely what I should be smelling and tasting, getting my taste-buds all juiced up by the words and by my imagination, only to be let down. Imagination is often better than reality. 🙂 I’d rather the label tease and let me determine the flavors.
Great post as always.